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ECE 2011

Keynote Speakers

Professor Steve Fuller

Steve Fuller, Professor of Sociology at the University of Warwick

Keynote topic: 'Is there a place for the critical intellectual in academic leadership?'

Major areas of research are the future of the University and critical intellectuals, the emergence of intellectual property in the information society, the interdisciplinary challenges in the natural and social sciences, the political and epistemological consequences of the new biology.

Professor Gráinne Conole

Gráinne Conole, Professor of e-Learning at the Open University

Keynote topic: 'The technology enabled university - implications for teaching and learning'

Gráinne Conole is Professor of e-Learning at the Open University, with research interests in the use, integration and evaluation of Information and Communication Technologies and e-learning and impact on organisational change.

Watch the keynote presentation (Windows Media Video)